NewsAPI in Python

The NewsAPI web service provides a simple API for retrieving news articles in real-time from a variety of sources. The Python NewsAPI library is a wrapper for the NewsAPI web service. It's easy to integrate NewsAPI into your Python projects without the hassle of sending HTTP requests and decoding JSON responses.

To use the NewsAPI library in Python, you need to first install it using pip:

pip install newsapi-python

Once you have installed the library, you can create a NewsAPI client object by importing the 'NewsApiClient' class and initializing it with your API key:

from newsapi import NewsApiClient

API_KEY = 'your_api_key_here'
newsapi = NewsApiClient(api_key=API_KEY)

With the client object, you can make requests to the NewsAPI web service using its various methods. For example, to retrieve the top headlines from the US:

top_headlines = newsapi.get_top_headlines(country='us')
articles = top_headlines['articles']

The 'get_top_headlines' method returns a dictionary containing various information about the top headlines, including the articles themselves. You can then extract the articles from the dictionary and loop through them to print out the titles and descriptions:

for article in articles:
    title = article['title']
    description = article['description']

The NewsAPI library also provides other methods for retrieving news articles by source, category, and keyword, as well as methods for fetching news sources and categories. You can find more information on these methods in the library's documentation.


  1. GeeksforGeeks. (2022, May 26). Fetching top news using news API. GeeksforGeeks. Retrieved March 12, 2023, from

  2. News API – search news and blog articles on the web. News API – Search News and Blog Articles on the Web. (n.d.). Retrieved March 12, 2023, from

  3. Newsapi-python. PyPI. (n.d.). Retrieved March 12, 2023, from

  4. News api - python code. YouTube. (2021, September 28). Retrieved March 12, 2023, from